Non-profit Community Child Care Centre
The aim of Connolly Children’s Centre is to provide a warm welcoming atmosphere and an affordable quality service for parents and create a safe and happy environment for all the children who attend the centre.
We have a voluntary board of management who manage our centre and appoint staff to run the service. Connolly Children’s Centre was established to help people in the Dublin 8 area return to work, training and education We are a non-profit childcare centre which is part-funded and we rely on the childcare fees for the day-to-day running costs, i.e. staff salaries, heat, light, food and health and hygiene.
We have an open door policy wherein we encourage the parents at any stage to feel welcome to talk to either management or staff with any issue regarding their child. The childcare workers like to keep the parents up to date on the day-to-day activities that their child engages in. The Connolly Children’s Centre requires a settling-in period of an hour a day for one week in order to familiarise the child with the staff and childcare environment.
Every staff member from management to cleaning staff must have a Garda vetting and we have a fire drill once a month. In the case of an accident, the appropriate staff member must fill out an accident report form; the parent must be informed and sign and then the form is filed away in the child’s file. Only people authorised by the parents/guardian may collect children with no exceptions unless we are informed beforehand.

The 3 Rooms
Different Ages
Toddler Room One
Two adults to five 1-2 year olds
Toddler Room Two
Three/Four adults to 10 2-3 year olds
Four adults to twenty 3-5 year olds
There is always at least 1 fully trained staff member present. The Connolly Children’s Centre ensures that these ratios are met at all times.